Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Wonderful Wednesday

There is something wonderful about Wednesdays. I don't know what it is. I woke up today and it just felt fresh, I love that feeling. When you wake up and you're that perfect amount of rested, and you just lay there for a few minutes taking in the pleasure of feeling so at ease. I love that almost as much as I love getting into the shower and not having to adjust the temperature. You can step right in and it is simply perfect. Maybe that's why I love Wednesdays so much, because there is nothing super special about them, but the simplicity of the day is just so perfect. Anyways, I just had a wonderful Wednesday today, and I thought I would share all of that with you. Do you all think that simplicity makes things more exciting? Or do you think that excitement comes from complexity and intensity? 

Also, I got a tattoo! What do you think? Don't mind the blood.


  1. Love your tattoo, what does it stand for?! I have been wanting one for so long but I am trying to get the courage to actually do it!

  2. Thank you! The LS is for my grandparents and the IVVI is 156 and its all the birthday months of my siblings and parents. I never thought I would actually get one, but Im so happy that I did! You should absolutely get one!

  3. Hi Elena, you pose some interesting questions. It seems at first sort of odd to link excitement and simplicity, but i guess it all depends on one's definition of what constitutes "excitement." I can certainly relate to your taking so much pleasure from simple things.
    Looking forward to hear more from you!

  4. That is a very tough question. Some days I wake up and just wish I could lay there and have absolutely nothing to do and the day could just be simple and easy, and then there are others in which I am completely bored and need more to do. I guess it all depends on the mindset I have when I wake up and it seems like you have the perfect mindset on a Wednesday because most are still dragging a little from the weekend on Wednesday.

  5. I love your tattoo!! What is the meaning behind it? The placement is beautiful! I have 2 tattoos right now (both on my back) and am dying to get a third!

  6. I'm not sure if simplicity makes for a more exciting time. As much as I hate drama, I always find it exciting in a way. I believe this drama is born through people gossiping, telling lies, and being selfish. Those actions seem to be more complex than the simple actions of telling the truth and being selfless.

    Nice tattoo!!
