Coming home to Ipswich for the summer is always such a different and interesting experience. Of course, it's wonderful because I get to see all my friends and family, but it also means work, and coming back to everything (good and bad) that I left behind in high school. The bad aside, I must mention that Ipswich, in my opinion is one of the most beautiful towns to ever exist. It is home to the famous and historical Cranes Beach, which my friends and I try to enjoy as much as possible. It's hard not to want to just lay around all day drinking margaritas and delicious Ipswich Ales. Most of the time that's what I find myself doing : ) What can I say, it's the summer time!
Ipswich River |
That's the Ipswich River! This is one of my favorite things to do, creek rides when the sun is going down. It is one of the most spectacular places I have ever been. The water is as still as glass and there is nothing but marsh all around, and it's so quiet that all you can hear is the motor of the boat. I thought I would add a picture so you all don't think I making Ipswich up. I'll be adding lots of pictures! I just want my blog to show you literally what I do in Ipswich during the summer! For example, it is my friends 21st birthday today so at midnight we went to a local Ipswich bar (the greatest) and all got drinks with her, and we did the same thing last week for our other friend, and we did the same thing for me last month. Its kind of a new forming tradition.
May Flower July 17th 2012 |
Elena, Ipswich looks like a blast in the summer. I have never been but your blog really makes me want to visit. My aunt has a boat on a creek in Hingham and when I lived down there from Sun.-Wed. in the beginning of the summer we use to do sunset rides everyday. It was such a relaxing end to a busy day!